byAlma Abell

Pets often quickly become like members of the family. They are always happy to see their owners and seem to make families complete. Therefore, it is important to treat a pet’s health just like that of a family member. Keeping up with a pet’s shots and regular preventative care visits will keep him or her happy and healthy for a full life.

One of the most important health benefits owners can offer their pets is the service of a Spay and Neuter in Honolulu if the pet is not intended for breeding. Spaying female cats or dogs when they are about six months old can prevent many unfortunate health issues such as urinary tract infections, cysts and some tumors. Without being spayed, female cats and dogs have increased hormones that can be very stressful, especially when in heat. Just like with humans, undo stress can cause health problems in pets. Spaying can equate to a longer, happy life for a pet.

In male cats or dogs, the higher hormone levels can also cause problems such as testicular cancer, prostate problems, hernias or tumors. Neutering a pet will also help with erratic behavior for a calmer, happier companion. Just like with female pets, high hormone levels can cause stress and discomfort for male cats and dogs. To achieve the longest and fullest life possible for a male pet, have him neutered around the age of six months.

Taking a pet for a Spay and Neuter in Honolulu is considered preventative care. Most veterinarians that provide ongoing care through the life of a pet can provide this service. One such office of professionals is The Honolulu Pet Clinic. This facility prides itself in treating pets like family and caring for them from the earliest stages of life through to the end. The clinic can provide spay or neutering services as well as puppy shots, preventative care checkups and planned or emergency surgery. Because pets are an integral part of many families, the care they receive should be top-of-the-line, just as it would be for a son, daughter, mother, father or grandparent in the family. You can visit them on Facebook or Google+