The Basics Of Urology


A urologist is a medical doctor with a specialization in treating the urinary tract in male and female patients of all ages. Additionally, these same professionals treat male reproductive dysfunction and problems, while a gynecologist will specialize in the treatment of the female reproductive system.

Most people will never have to use the services of the urology department. However, for those that are having difficulty with chronic or accurate issues of the urinary tract these professionals can often determine the root cause of the problem and provide options for treatment or management of the symptoms.

Conditions and Diseases Treated

If you are recommended to see a specialist in the urology you may have one of the following health issues:

  • Male infertility or dysfunction
  • Prostate cancer or cancers of the bladder or urinary tract
  • Chronic or acute urinary tract infections
  • Overactive bladder
  • Incontinence
  • Kidney stones
  • Urinary tract stones
  • Difficulties in emptying the bladder

There are specializations in urology. Pediatric urology deals with issues with infants and children, which can include malformations of the urinary tract that are corrected with surgery or other methods.

Some urologists also work with patients undergoing a renal (kidney) transplant. They may work with the patient before, during and after the procedure.

What to Expect

The urologist will typically run different types of tests based on the symptoms you are experiencing. These can include both urine and blood tests as well as scans, x-rays, biopsy tests and different types of scopes to determine structural malformations.

Depending on the specific tests required they may be performed at the initial visit or scheduled for a follow at a later date. There will be minimal downtime for any of these tests and typically they will be performed by the doctor in his or her patient treatment room.

Professionals To Spay And Neuter In Honolulu

byAlma Abell

Pets often quickly become like members of the family. They are always happy to see their owners and seem to make families complete. Therefore, it is important to treat a pet’s health just like that of a family member. Keeping up with a pet’s shots and regular preventative care visits will keep him or her happy and healthy for a full life.

One of the most important health benefits owners can offer their pets is the service of a Spay and Neuter in Honolulu if the pet is not intended for breeding. Spaying female cats or dogs when they are about six months old can prevent many unfortunate health issues such as urinary tract infections, cysts and some tumors. Without being spayed, female cats and dogs have increased hormones that can be very stressful, especially when in heat. Just like with humans, undo stress can cause health problems in pets. Spaying can equate to a longer, happy life for a pet.

In male cats or dogs, the higher hormone levels can also cause problems such as testicular cancer, prostate problems, hernias or tumors. Neutering a pet will also help with erratic behavior for a calmer, happier companion. Just like with female pets, high hormone levels can cause stress and discomfort for male cats and dogs. To achieve the longest and fullest life possible for a male pet, have him neutered around the age of six months.

Taking a pet for a Spay and Neuter in Honolulu is considered preventative care. Most veterinarians that provide ongoing care through the life of a pet can provide this service. One such office of professionals is The Honolulu Pet Clinic. This facility prides itself in treating pets like family and caring for them from the earliest stages of life through to the end. The clinic can provide spay or neutering services as well as puppy shots, preventative care checkups and planned or emergency surgery. Because pets are an integral part of many families, the care they receive should be top-of-the-line, just as it would be for a son, daughter, mother, father or grandparent in the family. You can visit them on Facebook or Google+

Why Womens Only Recovery Programs Are Effective For Women Addicts In Recovery

By Gabriel Adams

Research clearly indicates that women’s only recovery programs are far more effective for women than treatment programs that include both, men and women, and this is more so in the early stages of recovery. This is because substance abuse among women as well as the issues that surround their abuse is different from that of men and hence requires a specialized treatment program that is different.

Women’s only recovery programs specifically address women’s issues by acknowledging and respecting women’s inherent need to focus on positive relationships, self-determination, connectedness and choices.

Some of the issues pertaining solely to female substance abuse addicts and their treatment programs include the fact that drug and alcohol dependency in women is almost always triggered off by some kind of trauma, whether it is domestic violence; physical, sexual or emotional abuse or witness to violence or abuse. Hence their recovery treatment would need to address issues such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, low esteem, guilt and shame, which are prevalent in women addicts. Because of the interrelation between trauma, addiction and psychopathology in women, comprehensive programs need to be developed to address all these issues.


Partners very often play a major role in introducing women to drugs or alcohol. They play an equally important role in a women’s ability to access treatment and in her motivation to stay clean and sober. This is a major influencing factor in the success rate of recovery in women addicts and the odds of relapsing.

Another factor to be taken into consideration is that women are almost always the primary caretaker of her children and very often the only caretaker. Women’s recovery programs need to be family-oriented and focus on meeting the needs of women addicts as well as their children.

Treatment programs for women include trauma therapy, therapeutic intervention, creative art therapy, psychodrama, spirituality, mediation and yoga.

About the Author: Please visit

Women addiction recovery retreats


Why Womens Only Recovery Programs Are So Effective



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Heart Disease: A Primary Factor Of Various Heart Problems

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By Farzina Naznin

Heart disease is a very common disease which is affecting approximately around more than 7% of the population. The most common from of heart disease is known as arteriosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis form of heart disease usually leads to heart attack in the patient. This form of heart disease is characterized by a sudden process where the arteries often get hardened. Besides arteriosclerosis, there are also some other forms of heart disease which are often found to be very much deadly.

Cardiomyopathy is yet another form of heart disease which impairs the heart’s function. Cardiomyopathy form of heart disease often damages and weakens the heart. But the most important and the most dangerous from of heart disease is that which eventually damages the entire functioning of the heart. It may start from a simple form of throat infection which when not taken care of or when not treated may lead to the ultimate damage of the heart valves.

Heart disease may be any one among the various types but more importance should be given to its symptoms. The symptoms which are related with various forms of heart disease may be enumerated as below:


— The most common symptom of a heart disease is a slight pain or pressure on the chest and often sometimes might be a devastating sensation which can be felt at the rear end of the breast bone.

— Pain which may also be experienced in the arms, shoulder or legs may also be considered as certain virtual symptom of heart disease.

— The pain may last for a longer period of time. Sometimes heart medications or even rest cannot lessen the heart problem or the pain. But yes, though it may sound ridiculous narcotic drug can help in overcoming of the pain in the heart.

— Heart disease symptoms can also be experienced when there is cold sweat coming out of the body.

— Heart disease can be accompanied with symptoms like nausea and lack of proper inhaling.

— Certain indigestion problems may also cause heart disease.

— Obesity can also lead to the formation of heart disease.

Heart disease is a global problem. Heart disease may often lead to heart attack. Heart attack is also known as myocardial infarction in the medical term. Heart attack usually occurs when the blood pressure gets high and there is the sudden stoppage of the supply of blood to the different parts of the body. So effective care and medical treatment should be meted out to the heart patients.

About the Author: Farzina Naznin has been continuously associated with various sites for wrting articles on various keywords. Some of the sites she dealt with are


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